Seamless Software Quality Evaluation

Test Planning/Writing Test Cases​

As one of the most fundamental software testing concepts, we will write and plan test cases, allowing you to have access to agile solutions that will meet your business objectives.

Unit/Developer Testing​

Delitron’ s engineers will carefully validate that each unit of your software code performs as required, verifying its correctness.

Performance Testing

In order to analyse performance-related issues or lags, our expert will conduct detailed evaluations in terms of speed, responsiveness, as well ad stability of your software program.

Security Testing

Uncover vulnerabilities, threats, and risks in your software programs and secure your business from malicious attacks from external backgrounds.

Regression Testing

With the help of our diligent team, you are able to make sure that no recent program or code change has poorly affected your existing software features.

User Acceptance Testing

This type of testing represents the final stage of software development, meaning the end user, our clients, test out the software, determining faults so that changes can be implemented when needed.

Secure The Basics

Analyse Each Part of Your Software Coding Process

Uncover vulnerabilities, examine potential threats, and protect your business from malicious external attacks with our agile QA procedures.

Achieve Highest Standards In Your Build Process

To ensure your software is operating with the highest quality, our team of expert engineers follows strict testing processes. Delitron utilizes software quality metrics at every stage of development to measure software quality and reduce any problems throughout the entirety of the build process. Therefore, to provide services of the highest standard, our engineer team will carry out the following tests:

  • Test planning/writing test cases
  • Unit/Developer testing
  • Performance testing
  • Security testing
  • Regression testing
  • User Acceptance testing